Sunday, February 22, 2015

February 2015

So much has happened since I last checked in with the blog!  Both of our basketball teams have received post season berths with home games for the Girls on Tuesday night and the Boys on Thursday night; both begin at 7:00 pm.  I'm also thriled to congratulate Connor Pennington and Justin Moloney on their respective 1st and 11th place finishes at the State Diving Championships.  It is hard to believe with so much snow on the ground that we will soon be turning the page on the winter athtletic season.

Speaking of winter...I have lived through my first MHS winter carnival- what an experience! Mustang pride was in full effect for a week of school spirit culminating in Friday's inter class competition and the dance on Saturday night.  While the Sophomore class gave the Seniors a run for their money; ultimately, the Class of 2015 carried the day.  Below are some photos from the week.

I was also able to enjoy the MHS Drama Club's first performance with new club Advisor Mr. Adam Bouvier.  "How to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse" was highly entertaining and had Mrs. Clarke and I laughing out loud on several occasions over the course of the evening.  The kids did a great job and I eagerly await the spring production.