Sunday, September 14, 2014

Week of September 7th

The first five day week of the school year is behind us and things continue to go well at the high school.  I was happy to meet many families at our Open House last Thursday night as I believe strong partnerships between school and home drive student success.

Congratulations are in order for our first group of athletes of the week.  For the week of September 1st, it was Varsity Boys Golfer Colton North.  For the week of September 8th, the honor was shared by Girls Soccer Players Senior Mikaela Rouette and Freshman Shannon Jalbert.  Nice work guys!

Friday we had  some beautiful fall weather and Mr. Kozikowski's AP English classes went out in the courtyard to find some inspiration in nature.  Mrs. Maloney's SAP group also enjoyed some time outside soaking in the gorgeous weather and shooting hoops.  At the end of the day, Mr. Fletcher's Environmental Science class could be found behind the building searching for samples.  I have been reflecting a lot over the weekend about how fortunate we are as a community to have such a beautiful campus that blends perfectly with the natural environment around us.  I am excited for the foliage!

Speaking of enjoying the fall weather, I hope you all join us at the Fall Fair next Saturday afternoon at Quarry Hill.  I am hopeful that some of you will help bail me out of jail as the PTSA has informed me that the Principals from each of the buildings will be locked up for charity.  See you there!

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