Monday, December 8, 2014

December 8th 2014

Last week was one filled with excitement here at the high school.  Our winter athletic season is officially under way as are play rehersals.  Some of our seniors are begining to hear back from colleges.  We are all wearing a few extra layers as winter descends upon our school and we look exctiedly toward the holiday season.

On Thursday night we had the extremely fortunate opportunity to host an evening with former NBA player and Boston Celtic Chris Herren.  For an hour and a half more than 400 people in the gymnasium hung on his every word as he encouraged the community to learn from some of his mistakes and to make responsible choices in an effort to avoid the perils of alcholism and addicition.

His remarks made quite an impact on the communtiy and resonated with many of our students.  This was an incredible event and we hope to have Mr. Herren back some time in the future to address the entire student body.  Special thanks goes to Monson HEARS, The Monson Athletic Boosters, and Country Bank for making this event possible.

I am delighted to announce we will be hosting another communtiy event tomorrow night December 9th for Veterans.  Monson Savings bank will be hosting a free financial literacy event from 5:30-7:30.  Their will be free childcare and refreshments will be served, I hope to see you there!

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