Monday, January 12, 2015

January 11, 2015

The new year is off to a great start at Monson High School.  The Boy's Basketball Team currently enjoys a 6-0 record after recently posting impressive victories against South Hadley and Renaissance Charter School.  Read about their recent succes here and here.  With continued demonstration of this hard work, this season has chance to be a very special one for our young men.

In the Arts, I am looking foraward to the Monson High School's Drama Club production of How to Survive the Zombie Appocalypse this Friday Night at 7:00 pm at GVMS.  I hope to see you there!  I know how hard our students have been working on the production and it looks great.

Last Thursday we hosted the Science Exploration night in the high school cafeteria.  We had a wonderful turnout from the community and our students did a phenomenal job researching and showcasing a number of innovative topics.  It was great to walk around and talk with the kids about their projects and how they got interested in the topics they researched.  Below are some photos I took of the event.  As you can see, our students worked very hard on this.

In closing, I want to remind everyone that the semester is ending next week with half days scheduled for final exams on January 22nd and 23rd.  I also have determined that the high school graduation will be on Friday night June 5th, so stay tuned for more details this spring!

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