Sunday, August 24, 2014

Week of August 17

I hope all of our students and faculty enjoyed one last weekend of a terrific summer.  Ironically, it will be as warm as it has been on weeks on our first day of school this Wednesday.  Last week was an exciting one at the High School as we welcomed all of our new incoming students with a cookout and ice cream last Wednesday night.  The students were paired up with their "big siblings" and went for a tour of the building while their parents and guardians stayed behind for an informative question and answer session with the Administration and Faculty.  Many great questions were asked and I believe we laid the foundation for excellent communication and true partnerships with the parents of our students.

Last week also saw the beginning of the fall athletic season with our students athletes returning to campus to begin tryouts and practices. The Republican ran a great story about our co-op arrangement with Palmer for football.  You can read about it here.

Now that our athletics are underway we eagerly await the official start of the year this week!  Don't forget to follow Monson High School's twitter for exciting updates about the first day and week of school.  See everyone Wednesday, I can't wait!

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