Sunday, August 10, 2014

Week of August 3rd

The first week of August was a busy one at the high school as we make final preparations for the start of the 2014-2015 school year.  On Monday I ran into the Girl's Cross Country Team before they were going for a walk of the trail for the new members of the team.  They were thrilled to have their picture taken so early in the morning!

I told them on Monday I was starting a Twitter account for the high school to promote all the amazing things our students and faculty are involved in on a daily basis.  You can follow it here.

On Wednesday I had the student council in to discuss their ideas about what we can all do as a community to make the upcoming school year great for everyone.  They had a number of positive ideas, including holding a welcome back dance on Saturday, September 13th.
Stay tuned to this blog for weekly updates from Monson High School!

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